Personal experiences of living with endometriosis

Stories of life with endometriosis as told by other sufferers …

Read the stories submitted below of the various effects that living with endometriosis has on a woman's life and those of her loved ones.

By reading first hand experiences from other women and girls, you may gain a better understanding that what you are dealing with is not unique and that you are not alone.

These are real stories, and they all seem to focus on the deep impact living with a disease like endometriosis has on their lives. Some of the headlines may have been edited, as this may help to find a story similar to yours much quicker.

How has endometriosis affected your life?

Share with readers the different ways endometriosis has impacted your life, your family, your career, your social life and so on.

What other women have said

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12 years sick and finally a diagnosis 
I guess I've always figured something was wrong with me and that's why I was so bad about going to the lady doctor. In 12 years I've only been three times …

How Endometriosis started my journey to help other women  
Who am I I am a local girl that grew up in Smithtown, like any girl I enjoyed Long Island life. Swimming in luxurious pools and playing outside with …

Learning to Live with Endometriosis 
I grew up understanding what endometriosis. When I started having periods I was told what my mother and aunt knew about it, every female on their side …

Endometriosis or not? Either way herbal remedies help!  
Life stuck in a loop of doctors. Over 100 ER visits, referrals to doctors more so lawyers, part of DeSoto Baptist's (Southaven ms) money market scam. Doctors …

A prisoner of Endometriosis 
Okay so this is my story. I am 20 years old, this is me, this is the real Janal. Not the always smiling Janal that everyone knows. In 10th grade I …

Still fighting!! 
Hi. I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis at 38. Apparently i had had it for a very long time. I know this to be true, but didn't know a name for …

When will the pain end? 
This is just a summary of my experience without the nitty gritty details: - I started having chronic pelvic pain in early 2015. Initially, they found …

Endometriosis is destroying me 
I am 28 years old and have been suffering quite some time now. After a bad divorce at 24 and a lot of pain and suffering I pulled my life together. I …

Living with constant pain 
The first run in I had with endometriosis was at age 14. I collapsed into the fetal position screaming in a sudden onset of pain. I crawled to the bathroom …

Cervix left behind after endometriosis surgery 
Wow. Where to began? I guess I have to start at the beginning. I started my periods at age 15. About half of the girls in my 6th grade class had already …

Endometriosis. We are not alone 
For some time now I’ve been experiencing pain in my abdomen area. This was causing me to be physically sick, almost every single day of the month, over …

No relief from Endometriosis 
My story is a long one as it covers 21 years and counting. My problems began when I was 11 and started my period. I immediately had severe cramps which …

how living with endometriosis has affected me  
Hello, My name is Orquidia and I was diagnosed with Endometriosis at the Age of 18. I believe I was suffering from it much sooner than that but that is …

I am 51, and have always had regular (28 day) periods which have lasted 7 days and have been getting heavier the older I've got. I didn't know whether …

Marriage and endo 
Hi, I too have suffered from endometrosis. I first discovered it was endometriosis after seeing several doctors thinking it was appendicitis. I …

I feel like giving up! 
So I am 23 years old and was told I had endometriosis when I was 18. So far no one has been able to help me. I've been to numerous doctors an none can …

Endometriosis As A Teenager 
I'm Catherine and I'm 16 years old, I was diagnosed with endometriosis at age 13. When I first got my period at 11, we immediately knew there was something …

My Journey with Suspected Endometriosis 
Hi, My name is Heather.I started to have the classic symptoms of endometriosis at 11 years old. I had heavy prolonged bleeding and painful periods to where …

Endometriosis - When will they find a cure? 
Hello, I suffered from terrible periods as a teenager, and was not diagnosed with Endometriosis until I was 19 - I am now 26 years old. The sad part …

The Quiet Deadly Disease 
Hello to you all. My name is Ruth & I am 40 years old and also childless.I started my period when I was 11 & thought pain, heavy periods & blood clots …

"Come back when you're pregnant" They Would Say 
"Um, miss Jill, have your doctors talked to you about endometriosis yet?" the radiologist asked as she looked at the blank ultrasound screen. "Yes," …

21 and dying inside...  
I still remember the first time I got my period, how couldn't I. I was at a state choir festival in year 7, singing with my fellow peers in front of …

Living life fully now, to make up for the years I lost 
I had problems from my very first period at age 13, and it got worse every month. I experienced severe pain, heavy bleeding, huge blood clots, anaemia. …

The many struggles of Endometriosis 
I have had long periods since I started my cycle when I was 11. That first period lasted 7 days and to this day I have never had a period under 7 days. …

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Edometriosis sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!! 
After suffering since age 9 with excruciating cramps my Dr finally decided to look into why I'm constantly in so much pain. I am now 19 and was diagnosed …

How endometriosis affects lives of women 
I am 17 years old, having been diagnosed with Endo at 16. As far as I am aware, this is a relatively young age to be diagnosed. I began having a stabbing …

Endometriosis has impacted my entire life 
I finally feel normal again! I am 51 years old and have suffered from the symptoms of endometriosis since I was 14 years old. My periods were always super …

Accepting who I am 
When I had my first period at the age of fourteen, I thought I was dying. For a whole two days I was in agonizing pain while my family watched from the …

Will I ever get my life back? 
Hello everyone! I am 31 years of age and I have been dealing with this for as far back as I can remember! I cannot tell you how many doctors I have seen …

"Chocolate Cyst" 
I had not intended to get pregnant however I embraced knowing I was the moment I found out. I quickly purchased the "what to expect when you're expecting", …

Living with the disease no one understands 
I always had painful periods. My mom and dad figured I was a hypocondriac. I did too. I started at the age of 10 and, by the time I was 17 I was bleeding …

Symptoms of Endometriosis for years and undiagnosed  
I am 43 and have suffered I believe with the symptoms of Endometriosis for years. I fell pregnant and miscarried at the age of 17, I was in agony I didn't …

Endometriosis has turned my life from bad to worse 
I think I've had endometriosis since I was 12 years old. It started with constant heavy bleeding and pain symptoms. For years I didn't find it to be …

Stage 4 endometriosis  
I am so excited to have found your endometriosis site. I've been going through a rough patch, and was so happy to have received the invitation to join …

Endometriosis makes my life horrible. 
I have always had heavy unbearable periods since I was 13 that would last weeks into months at a time. I used to lock myself in my room and take 3 ibuprofen …

How endometriosis affects women's life 
I was suffering from severe cramps to the point of passing out and waking up in hospital not knowing what was wrong. This happened for 3 years solid. …

Angry & frustrated with endometriosis 
I think I had endometriosis at a very young age, near the start of my periods. I was once diagnosed with poly-cystic ovaries as a teenager. A doctor trying …

My personal story of endometriosis 
Like many of the women here I suffered with the pain and symptoms of endometriosis for years, actually for about 15 years, and I'm only 28 as I write this …

Free of endometriosis and so greatful 
I promised myself my story here would be a "success story" and here I am! I don't have any special powers, I'm just a woman like all of you, but I understand …

Endometriosis stage 4 
I have been suffering with this awful pain symptoms of endometriosis. My gyno put me on an injection but I cannot stay on it as it makes your bones week. …

Went through hell for 8 years because of endometriosis 
Because of endometriosis the last eight years have been hell. Well for a start the pain all started in 2004. They kept telling me infections, blah …

Failed treatment and pain of endometriosis never ends.. 
Moderate to severe endometriosis: I remember before I started bleeding I could have even been 11, occasionally I would wake up during the night with …

My fight for reproductive rights. 
I am thirty years old and I have struggled with endometriosis for over half my life. My first experience with pelvic and abdominal pain was at a very young …

Stage 4 endometriosis trying 5 years to get pregnant 
I was told to have laparoscopy surgery and we thought yes that will help me solve the problem. Endometriosis came back 6 months later so we were referred …

Pain is so bad it effects every aspect of my life 
Now 42, I have been suffering with heavy periods since I was a teenager. I was diagnosed with endometriosis about 15 years ago ... although my symptoms …

Endometriosis at 23 and struggling with life 
Since I got my first period at age 11, I have had very painful periods that lasted for the full 7 days. During the first few years of my period I was abnormal. …

How my life has been affected by endometriosis 
I am 23 now but when I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 18 and had been suffering since my period first started when I was 10. I saw several …

This endometriosis pain is all I've ever known! 
Undiagnosed endometriosis symptoms for years ... I had my first period when I was 9 years old. I have always had extremely bad periods. I thought …

What happens when the door is shut? 
I have stage 4 endometriosis. During my first laparoscopy my doctor couldn't even find my overies they were so tangled up in scar tissues, and hidden underneath …

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A long journey to the truth about endometriosis .... 
I am almost 21 years old and was diagnosed with endometriosis about 6 months ago. I've always had gyno related issues. I am a student at NIU and my …

Living with Endometriosis for 13 years 
I started having extreme pain with my periods almost from the time I started having my periods. I was 13 when I started going to the doctor for it, and …

"Invisible pain" is the best way to describe this. 
My name is Rebecca and I've had horrible periods ever since i could remember. When i did get my period i couldn't move, couldn't go to the bathroom because …

Let my voice be heard 
Age 9, that time came for me to start womanhood. My period had begun. Of course being such a young girl and not having the official talk yet I had no idea …

Endometriosis is Ruining my Life 
I was diagnosed with stage 2 endometriosis in December of 2011. My name is Allison and I am 17 years old. Ever since I was first diagnosed, my life …

My faith helped me and finally become pregnant 
I was 26 years old when I found out that I had endometriosis. It happened when I had to go for an emergency appendix removal, when the test came I was …

Endometriosis - the discovery  
I am so glad everyone is sharing their stories of endometriosis. Your openness has helped me so much. I have had painful periods since I was 13. I …

Endometriosis, lupron, lap surgeries, birth control pills 
I didn't discover I had endometriosis until I was 32 years old and it was when I was in the middle of teaching a high school class when a cyst ruptured …

Endometriosis has stopped my normal life  
I am 17 years old. Last October after my 10th grade homecoming, I began to have severe back and abdominal pain. My mother first thought that something …

Confused, doesn't feel normal. 
I am a 32 year old mother of one daughter. I've read so many stories about painful periods, heavy periods etc. But I haven't had that. I've felt my symptoms …

This disease has ruined my life 
Because of endometriosis I started having very painful periods at age 31. Was taking 15 advils a day. Finally saw a Dr. and was diagnosed. Endometriosis …

Endometriosis has stolen my 30's  
Endometriosis and how it has affected my life. I always had a strange cycle. I did not start my period until I was 17. My mom took me in, because she …

Another day with endometriosis 
I am sitting at home again today because I have endometriosis and I hate to feel like I do today. I can normally find ways to feel happy and accept …

Nightmare of endometriosis and cruel treatment by doctors 
Who knew there could be so many thoughtless, cruel, insensitive, arrogant, ignorant Dr.s? I’ve had them all! I‘ve been more dead than alive for 6 years. …

Endometriosis - Where it all started. 
Endometriosis and where to begin. It all started when every month I was very, very sick. Throwing up, diarrhea, etc, all of those lovely symptoms. I ended …

Endometriosis stolen my life made worse by Lupron 
I suspect I have had endometriosis since I was 13. However it took 12 years to get an actual diagnosis. I have seen every ob/gyn in my local area. All …

Endometriosis and living with it 
I've been living with endometriosis since I was 13 and I am now 22 years old. I was finally diagnosed in 2010 after being hospitalized for what they thought …

I have Adenomyosis - endometriosis of the uterus 
I am 35 years old and was diagnosed in 2005 after a myomectomy (uterine surgery). Of course I was ignored for many years before and then misdiagnosed …

Interested in the diet connection for endometriosis 
I was diagnosed with endometriosis in my 20s. My symptoms were very heavy, painful period and very irregular cycle. I often bled in the middle of my …

20 years old and miserable because of endometriosis 
I experienced an ovarian cyst burst March 1st, 2011. Since then I haven't been the same. I've always had terrible periods, lasting 7-10 days on average. …

Beyond frustrated with doctors 
For several years now I've been dealing with symptoms that point to endometriosis. My husband and I have gone from doctor to doctor trying to get them …

People treat you like mad, as if you are pretending 
Because of endometriosis I would frequently blackout due to pain, I had non regular periods, and strong pain till the day I was waiting for every for hours …

Endometriosis has taken over my life 
I have had chronic endometriosis symptoms including severe cramping during and after menstrual cycles to rectal pain & diarrhoea. It began so aggressive …

Endometriosis or Autoimmune? 
I will start with my symptoms - Let me start off by saying last year at this time I was having a lot of pain. I had pulling pains, painful intercourse, …

Diagnosed with endo can take charge of my own health 
My health changed drastically after my first child, Devin was born. I have always been very healthy, the type that rarely got sick. When I finally started …

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Just diagnosed & learning the reality 
I have just been diagnosed with endometriosis. For the past 5 years, I have dealt with severe pain with my menstrual cycle, as well with a steady pain …

Severely altered my teenage years.. 
Ever since I got my period back when I was 9 years old I have dealt with horrible cramps. I was the girl who started developing before any of the other …

Not diagnosed with endometriosis yet.... 
For the past year or so, I have experienced many symptoms that my GP tells me are normal, but they really don't seem to be, and I am only 14 year old. …

Will endometriosis return if I stop depo-provera treatment 
I have suffered from endometriosis for 12 years. Luckily I conceived my only child during this time. When I was 37 I asked for a hysterectomy and was told …

Endometriosis has totally changed my life 
I have been suffering with endometriosis since the tender age of 13 and wasn't diagnosed till I was 19. My name is a Vanessa and I am now 26 years old. …

Endometriosis and the changes in my life 
I was diagnosed with endometriosis just as I was leaving college and hoping to embark on a career. It hit me very suddenly and not like some women whose …

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