Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

Diagnosed with endo can take charge of my own health

by Tessa

My health changed drastically after my first child, Devin was born. I have always been very healthy, the type that rarely got sick. When I finally started menstruating again after my son was born, my periods were harsh and I would get flu like symptoms with them. I figured it was normal, my body was bouncing back.

I got pregnant with my second child when my son was only ten months old. I had a second great pregnancy and labor. I was complete, I had a son and daughter - who were eighteen months apart.

This is when things started to get severe. Once a month I would get "food poisoning". It would start with nausea and quickly turn into vomiting and diarrhoea. It would usually last twenty four hours.

I was very confused and became very anxious every month awaiting the next episode. I started to notice it was usually before my periods which had become intense, with heavy bleeding, cramping and soreness in my vaginal region. As my periods got worse, over time I became depressed and anxious.

It seemed like my health was deteriorating and I feared the worse. Did I have cancer? I started going to the doctor and having every single test known to man performed on me. I was desperate and determind to find out what was going on. I was simply sick of being sick.

No answers. The Doctors constantly told me I needed more rest - I was just stressed out. I left every appointment in tears, losing faith in doctors altogether.

I decided to take matters into my own hands, researching online for hours and hours. I diagnosed myself with an acidic PH balance and immediatly upon drinking ph balanced water and turning into a vegan, my sickness started to fade away. My periods were not only managable but I no longer had vomiting spells. I had never been so happy.

At first, I was a die-hard ... following a strict vegan lifestyle. I guess I got comfortable because I slowly allowed coffee and non vegan sweets (my two weaknesses) back in- moderately. I have stuck to the elimination of meat and dairy however. To my dissapointment, some of my symptoms came back. Fortunatly, I never got the "food poisoning" symptoms again but a lot of bowel troubles (constipation and diarhea), severe cramping, swollen vagina, pain during intercourse, heavy bleeding and clotting ... I really thought I had cured myself, I started to think I was just extremely sensitive to certain foods. I cut out almost everything out of my diet while my family was raising their eyebrows. I seemed a little obsessed. I questioned myself too. Did I really have to be so strict?

Never once did any of my doctors, in the three years I saw them, diagnose me with endometriosis.

It was not until I was introduced to a family friend who is an ER surgeon has this ever come up. Because I was desperate, I sought out the courage to ask her if I could explain my symptoms and attempt to get her opinion. I told her my situation, partly in tears and she gave me the most direct answer of Endometriosis. She was certain.

I went home that night and got chills down my spine as I read through this website. I have been teary eyed for a few days, not because I am scared (it could be something much worse) but because I am overwhelmed with joy. I finally have an answer, after three years of medical bills, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, pain, fear and uncertainty.

I am in the process of gearing up for the endometriosis diet, a new lifestyle that I am ready to embrace. I feel betrayed by the medical system, all the "medicine" I was prescribed..all the tests performed..and the whole time it was a matter of diet. A recomendation to a plant based, ph balanced diet is always better than no answer! And I didn't even go to college.

No matter what ailment you suffer, food should be a part of your medicine. Not only do I have hope now, but I have learned a very important lesson at the age of 30..Take care of your health, nobody else will do it for you.

** Side note: As I think about my period history throughout my life, I think that I have suffered from endometriosis long before I had my children. I think my pregnancies made it worse. I can't wait to talk to a specialist and find out if that is a possiblity.

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