Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

Endometriosis ruined life

by Annemarie
(Scotland )

I was suffering from severe cramps to the point of passing out and waking up in hospital not knowing what was wrong. This happened for 3 years solid.

They kept sending me home. After complaining to my GP several times he pushed for a laparoscopy and it was discovered I had endometriosis and my ovaries were covered in cysts and was told I would never have a baby.

Before my surgery they did a routine pregnancy test and I was 9 weeks pregnant. I was told pregnancy could sort the problem but it did not help.

After 9 months they told me the cysts had to be removed. The symptom of pain I had was unbelievable. I thought I was going crazy when they kept sending me home like I was wasting their time.

I was told to keep taking my pill back to back so I don't get a period at all. But the symptoms came back and when I was admitted to hospital the doctor wouldn't listen. I told him it was the same pain and he said no it was not. I had an operation and they took out my appendix and sent me home.

There was nothing wrong with my appendix at all so I had surgery for no reason. Great use of the NHS money for nothing. And the decision was made by the top surgeon. I only had a section a few months prior. Appendicitis was just a lazy man's solution to nothing as I'm still in pain.

Now I'm getting severe cramps constantly and I feel it's pointless going back to my GP as all I get is strong pain killers.

Anybody with a baby will know its a mad age, your up and down every two minutes, running around. Its hard enough and to have endometriosis as well - its a joke.. No faith in doctors or hospitals at all :(

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I just want to escape from endometriosis

by Jessica Daniela Reynolds
(Batesville Arkansas)

Not a day goes by that I am not in some sort of pain because of endometriosis. From the moment I wake up, til the moment I go to bed I have painful symptoms.

Pain in my back, my stomach, legs and feet. Sometimes I have the worst migraines. The migraines from the stress of suffering pain symptoms everyday. Something grows in me everyday but it's not something that I really want. I want a baby to grow in my belly. Not this disease.

I often find myself wishing that I wouldn't wake the next day because what do I live for when nothing is fun because everything drains me, work drains me, keeping the bills paid, not going to the doctor when I need to just so I don't further my debt. It drains me.

I find myself wanting to give up, but somehow I keep going and I never give up and let it beat me. I am way stronger than most think. I am strong because I am here and I am alive.

I go to work everyday. I have a house, I have a fiancée I love very much, and a family that cherishes me. I have what I need. And they keep me going.

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Endometriosis has destroyed my life

by Krysten
(Florida, USA)

I first started getting symptoms when I was 14, they started getting worse around age 16. At age 17 my life was screwed up by this disease and has been ever since.

I miss so many days at work because of this disease, it makes my life unmanageable. At age 17, I started getting really horrible stomach aches every single day, this was 5 years ago and I've been dealing with stomach aches everyday ever since.

My periods are unbearable, I've had to go to the ER plenty of times because of them. I always have a constant "bad feeling" in my stomach. Sometimes I'm unable to eat. They said I am stage II endometriosis.

I had the laparoscopy in August of 2011, they said they burned a lot of it out but I am still experiencing horrible pain all throughout the month.

Of course, period time is the worst for me. I'm married and it's ruining that for me too because intercourse is extremely painful. They've also told me I'm gonna have trouble having kids. I have prayed for a miracle so many times. I wish they would just find a cure.

All you ladies out their suffering, I feel your pain - literally. We've gotta find a cure! We need to make it known how bad our conditions are.

No one understands how badly we suffer and many times, we suffer in silence. This is so unfair to those of us whose lives have been changed by this disgusting disease.

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Endometriosis or kidneys crisis/infection (pielonefritis) ?

by Aylin
(Beijing, China)

I just got out from a horrible crisis that was excruciating ! The pains started in day 15 and keep me on this day 19 today when I am already feel better...

The pains started violent with pain in the bladder and urinary tract, kidneys area, identical with kidneys crisis and I felt very very cold during these days !

I went to the doctor, done kidneys tests, no urinary infection at all ! The pain started after I go up some stairs, not sure if the cause was that or not, but it seem to be because of ovulation..

I had my gallbladder out also in a surgery this year in June. I had terrible gallbladder attacks till then and followed by acute pancreatitis !

Without gall-bladder is better now, no nausea, no dizzy, no headache, can eat, but what can I do for this pain still remained at ovulation ??? I am over my power to live this life !

I become very depressive in that days when pain occurs and I see everything black.... like no future vision.. I have no friends, I am not married, endo made me lose everything !

I have no job as I cannot work ! I am living by one and other caring only ! People do help me, but I can't live only based on their help always... I need a normal life and family, a husband, a child...I would be able have all this in one day?

Please help me with your stories and ideas ! Contact me to aylin.zhang on yahoo dot com.
Wish you all be strong !

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In need of help & in so much pain!

by Sherrie
(New York)

I have been suffering for many years with endometriosis! The doctor did not diagnose me with it until my doctor retired and a new one took over his practice.

All these years of trying to have a baby with my husband and sure enough at the age of 40 it was due to my endometriosis.

After taking a hormone drug and having a severe reaction to it I am headed back to the doctor soon.

Next step and maybe my only step considering how bad the pain is during my menstrual period (whether is shows up or not) and during the month in between, its time for surgery.

Sad to say how many women have to go through all this pain on a monthly basis or daily basis and believe it was normal.

Please please never believe this is normal. I did for the last 20 years and look were it has led to. No children and a full hysterectomy. If you are having the pain please see a doctor that will help you manage or take care of it. The pain is truly NOT normal.

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