Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

Possible return of endometriosis after hysterectomy

by Bernice
(Arizona )

I had endometriosis removed in 2009 and I was told that it would most likely return. My doctor at the time put me in birth control to help. He took me off the birth control after a year.

Then in 2012 I started having the same problems I had before. My doctor sent me to an OB/GYN who tried several alternative routes to treat the endometriosis.

After everything failed to help with the pain my OB/GYN sent me to a specialist in this area. He tried several other methods which all failed as well. Finally in 2014 it was recommended to get a hysterectomy since it was my second time with endometriosis and my mother's history for the same thing.

He let me choose to keep my ovaries or not. I decided to keep them. I had relief for two years then I had a sudden onset of severe pain where they had to go in to remove both ovaries due to a large cyst on one, and both being twisted around.

It has been 5 months now since that surgery and I started having symptoms of endometriosis again for two months. I found a new doctor that actually listened to your concerns, and we are currently in the process of elimination.

She thinks that the doctor who performed the hysterectomy may have missed some tissue because when he went in my whole abdominal wall was completely covered with endometriosis. My doctor said if everything else comes back normal she will send me to a new OB/GYN for further evaluation.

I just want the pain gone. I have a 6 year old with special needs and this pain makes it hard to keep up with him at times.

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