Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

Endometriosis returned after 10 months.

by Anonymous

I have suffered with endometriosis since I began my periods at 12 years old. I was told it was in my head, something I had to put up with (like all women) and that it was IBS.

I was finally being diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 27 whilst doing my degree.

I have had numerous laparoscopies and consider myself very lucky that I managed to have one son. I finally decided I couldn't cope with the pain any more and had a total hysterectomy in January.

The surgeon removed my remaining ovary (the other one removed due an endometrioma several years before)and uterus.

It was a relief and the pain of the operation wasn't too bad. I thought I had my life back until last week when I started getting pain on the right side of my belly button.

I know that during the hysterectomy they found bowel involvement so thought 'it's back!'.

Went to the GP who sent me straight to hospital as he thought it appendicitis. I told him I thought it was the endo as I had no other symptoms ie. temp or sickness.

However still went to hospital and sat in depressing ward for hours and all they did was give me an abdominal x ray - I'm not sure what that was supposed to do!!

I'm now wondering what I do now - do I put up with it or go back to consultant and end up having more surgery. It really never ends....

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