Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

Endometeriosis has returned one year after hysterectomy

by Sandra

Endometriosis sufferer writing from Germany with her experience of endometriosis.

Hello I am writing to you from Germany.

In September 2011 I had my first operation where Endometriosis was removed from my ovary, vagina, bladder etc... second operation and 25cm was cut away from my colon in October 2011.

Then in February 2012 had a hysterectomy in a professional Clinic in Germany. They left one ovary. I changed my died and slowly lost some of the 12 kg that I put on due to hormone injections as treatment.

I had a lot of stress in 2012 and I believe that might have something to do with the cause and symptoms. I didn't watch my diet as much and was drinking more alcohol.

February 2013 it starts again with a cyst of 8,6 cm x 6 cm on my ovary...and pains in stomach, swollen belly and back ache are back. Consultation on the 11th of March to see what happens next. Fingers crossed.

Never give up and stay strong
Sandra, Germany

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