Your Feedback

Below you will find feedback comments from other women about the content and advice at Endo-resolved. The comments here could prompt you to think of additional advice you would like to see on the site. 

You can leave your own feedback by using the form on the 'contact' page. Thank you 

Feedback sent to Endo Resolved


I just wanted to say thank you so much for writing your books. You have truly helped me reduce my pain by half. I am so thankful.

You have done something my doctors could of never done. I have an entirely new outlook on life now. I am only 22 but feel 50 because of this. But thanks to you I have hope. You have truly made me see how everything around me was harmful and how things needed to change. Your positivity and your book gave me hope. Thank you.

Hello Carolyn, hope you are OK and God is blessing you always. I want to share with you about my health for now.

I followed the diet for sometime and Chinese medication and I was fine as I once reported to you. Later I couldn’t continue with the diet or Chinese medicine. Then my condition became worse than ever before! I was so sick almost all the month. The bleeding couldn’t stop at all but I was now getting heavy for 3 days and sma (spotting) for the whole month.

I decided to travel to China for treatment as I could no longer get medication through friends as I once did. In China my doctors decided to operate on me saying it would help me. I am now 43. I accepted because I was so sick and the fibroids were disturbing me too much along with an advanced Endometriosis.

They removed only the uterus and left my ovaries, though they said my ovaries also were having tumours. I had to use Zoladex Injection for 3 months, and I was free of pain for at least 4 months. I did not follow Endometriosis diet, I ate everything I could and I was so happy to be free of pain. After 4 months and after the Zoladex Injection was over my body's system, the pains came back in full swing! I had the worst pains just like before operation!!

I thought there were no other option for me. No medication could cure me, no help from Hospitals and I was so sick and tired of medicines such as Zoladex, coming along with very unpleasant side effects. I decided to follow the Endometriosis diet.

Since then, that was April this year, I am once again very fine and no pains at all. No menstrual, no pains, no cramps, I sleep like a baby. I seldom mess up with my diet but I make sure I stick to it always and I tell you, I am fine than how words could tell.

I know my story isn’t new to you because you already know what happens if one doesn’t follow the diet, but I just couldn’t stay with this information, I wanted to share it with you.

Still thanking you so much,

Thank you so much for your web site! I was diagnosed with endometriosis 17 years ago. I have had 4 laparoscopies and years of birth control pills and lupron shots. In 2015, I was done with all that....I was so tired of being on hormone treatment and being up and down emotionally and had pretty much resolved that I wasn't going to have children because of all of it, there was no sense in continuing this kind of treatment. I was told of your web site by a co-worker and thought the diet couldn't hurt. Within two cycles, my symptoms disappeared.

It totally made sense that everything I was eating before had so much outside hormones, it couldn't possibly help regulate my own hormones. By following this diet, I became a healthier person overall, I wasn't tired as much, I had more energy, just felt better.

In 2005 I gave birth to a healthy little boy and something my previous doctors told me was not likely. There were no complications whatsoever, he is an absolute blessing. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your research on this disease and sharing what you've learned. God Bless You 

Your website has truly been of encouragement to me. I am an optimistic person who refused to accept what doctors in traditional medicine have been telling me. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who realises there are alternatives! I thank God for a person like you who took time to put a website together in the way that you have with so much information and hope. God Bless you! 
Sincerely, Shon 

I just want to thank you for putting together the most comprehensive site on endometriosis around. 

I was seeing an ob-gyn, complaining about abdominal pain and a 2 month long period. His response was that it couldn't possibly be anything gynaecological and was probably IBS. So, when I confirmed it was not intestinal, his response was to recommend that I go see a general surgeon! 

My acupuncturist, who had been monitoring me, suggested I might have endometriosis ...on my intestines. 

That's when I found this site and even used one of your recommended doctors (Masahide Kanayama). One laparoscopy later, I am finally getting to the bottom of all of it. The endometriosis was stage 3 and all over my intestines, ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. 

Clare Gardner
I bought your recipe book and went on the suggested diet about 6 months ago. In that time, I have lost 15 pounds and I feel fantastic. No more excessive gas and bloating, and my pain is virtually nonexistent. I am also, finally, medication-free thanks to a terrific doctor at the New York Endometriosis and Infertility Center. It seems that the combination of his surgical skills and your diet has been (knock-on-wood) keeping my stage 4 endometriosis at bay. So, I want to thank you for helping me take control of my life again.

Lisa Winstead
Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

I just came across your website during my lunch break. I've been suffering from endometriosis for 5+ years and have been so discouraged with every doctor I've seen. This is the first website that actually talks about options other than drugs/hysterectomy/etc. I'm 27 years old and we have been trying for 4 luck, just a lot of heartache. But, with this newly found info and recipes from your website, I am given renewed hope!!! 
Thanks so much! 

Finding your website with advice on a diet for endometriosis has been one of the best things that happened in the last year. The first month I tried the eating guidelines, I had absolutely NO PAIN! That has never happened in my life. 

Every time I see my OB/GYN doctor or my infertility specialist I try to convince them how changing my diet has changed my life - unfortunately they look at me like I am crazy. I cannot wait until the day that doctors start to recognise food actually affects your body 

Belinda Heath 
I would like to thank you for this wonderfully informative website. It is the only one of many I have looked through which offers practical and constructive ways of managing endometriosis. And certainly the only one which encompasses dietary and complementary therapy measures. I will be sending a link to your website to both my doctor and naturopath, as I think all women should have access to this information. 

I was just beginning to despair and resign myself to many years of being a demented psychopath for more weeks in a month than I am 'me'; then I read through your website and felt tremendous relief that there is so much I can do to take control of endometriosis and help myself. 

I am a firm believer in the notion that food has a direct, noticeable, and fairly immediate effect on our bodies, and that our bodies are very capable, when their needs are listened to, of healing themselves; and already eat a wholefood diet, low in meat, dairy and wheat and with virtually no processed food, so the extra few adjustments I need to make will come fairly easily to me. 

The information you provide about soy products surprised me: even with my extensive knowledge of nutrition and herbalism I didn't know a lot of these things. Considering how many women are affected by various hormonal conditions which are possibly worsened by non-fermented soy products, it is scandalous there is no awareness of soy's detrimental effects in the world at large. 

Again, thank you for the certainty you have given me that I will be able to get my body and mind back from the hormonal hell it has been in. Your efforts are to be commended, and I hope that anyone who reads this website passes a link on to their doctors, naturopaths, friends, and family. 

This very positive feedback from Jeana relates to her own experience of using Vitalzym, which was covered in one of the issues of End of Endo, the newsletter that used to be sent out. Thank you so much for passing on this update Jeana, and I hope it will give other women some hope of another option to help alleviate their pain.

Just wanted to take a minute and thank you for sharing this information about Vitalzym! 

I have been suffering with endo since my teens (am now 32). And I thought I had tried it all. Every herb and natural remedy! 2 years ago I did a couple of liver cleanses (it was immensely helpful, passed cups of stones! some large as prunes!)

Advice from, but have had a hard time sticking with the recommended foods (It is hard when your spouse is not accustom to eating an endometriosis friendly diet) and have I started having some troubles again. I had been putting off buying the Vitalzym, because of the cost ( I thought my husband would have a fit, but not the case he asked me to get him some too!). 

Anyway, I found the VitalzymX on ebay, and got some. It came the 2nd day of my cycle and with the pain the previous day I had to lean on pain killers. I took 3 caps of the Vitalzym and didn't really expect any immediate results, but after listening to Dr. Wongs cd( I would recommend listening to it.

It is very informative and you can find it free on many web-sites), it said to take more if needed so; still in agony I took another 1 or 2 (I can't remember). Within 30 minutes the pain was gone and in a few hours I was more pain free than if I had taken the pain pills! I continued taking 3 capsules, 3 times a day through-out my cycle and I am totally amazed! I have NEVER had a more pain-free period! Not even any tenderness or bloating! 

It is only the second week taking VitalzymX and I have been taking it with 1 tsp of MSM and Vitamin C, and an extra teaspoon of bromelain 3x daily. But I can see my external scar smoothing away already, and can't help but wondering what my insides look like!

I am still quite pain-free, which is very unusual for me. I am very hopeful! I am still going to do another liver cleanse ...gotta beat this Endometriosis! I would really recommend checking out 

Also, just a note my mother also started on the Vitalzym and has noticed quite a reduction in menopausal troubles. My father has had digestive and arthritic disturbances in his sleep for umteen years and the first night he took it, he slept all night! A first in ages! 

I am sold on it!! I am going to order more. Bruce Hatcher can get you discounts on mutiple bottles and discounted shipping on both the Vitalzym (4 bottles of 450 caps/$290 + $8 shipping) and VitalzymX (360 cap bottles 2 or more $115 + free shipping).

And I tell anyone considering the Vitalzym, that it is worth every penny (though, I wish it was much cheaper). And that the relief from the pain makes it worth its cost many times over!!! 
Well, gotta run. 
Thanks again ever-so-much for the info, 

Laura Bourque
I don't have any questions, but I just wanted to let you know how glad I am that I found your website. I am 27 and have been suffering from endometriosis on my rectum for about 3 years now. I received no help from my doctors (one of them even rudely told me after an inconclusive laparoscopy that there was no problem, it was all my imagination) and all the information I found on the Internet was pretty negative. 

Therefore until I found your site I was starting to accept that this pain was something I would have to live with for the rest of my life. But just hearing someone say, that it IS possible to be healed of endometriosis ...means so much to me! I've read all the articles on your site and now I feel so excited to take charge of my own health.

I am going to start tomorrow with supplements to boost my immune system. Your optimism and positive message have really made an impression on me; one for which I am very thankful. I feel like now anything is possible if only I believe in myself and care for myself. 
So thank you, for giving me hope.

What a wonderful site! My Endometriosis has really started to rule my life, having a lot of pain, heavy bleeding that has put me in hospital for a blood transfusion once, and only just getting a grudging diagnosis from a hopeless health authority! This site is a great help, especially the diet section - i would never have thought some of those foods were harmful! This is a true lifeline - thanks :) 

Ginny Jones 
This is a really great site. My endometriosis was diagnosed 12 years ago, though looking back I've probably had it for more like 25 years. I'm having my 3rd go at laparoscopic treatment next week. I've also tried the Mirena coil, the contraceptive pill, and Gorseralin implants with add-back (HRT).

Even though I've always made a point of keeping myself up-to-date on my condition and possible treatments, I still found info on your site that I'd not found before, and presented in such a user-friendly way. I like the fact that you give an alternative to the received wisdom about hysterectomy being the answer to he problem.

At 37, and luckily having been able to have a child, I may still go down that route myself in the next few years. The key, though, is to be able to make an informed choice. 

Thank you so much for this website. I just found out today that I have to have a laparoscopy and I could not find any information at all that would let me know what to expect before and after. You have calmed my fears. Thank you again! 

Suzette Bongat 
I’ve read all information regarding endometriosis and the surgery itself. It is very informative and true. It helps me a lot with my research and studies. Hope this site will help a lot of people seeking the same information and relive their anxiety if they are suffering of the same problem. Good luck and thank you.... 

This website is absolutely amazing. I have severe endometriosis and have struggled with it for years. To help cope I have researched endometriosis for the last 5 years, hungry for any information and support I can find. I have come across hundreds of website, but found this one to be the best.

I am currently trying to start an endometriosis support group in the Colorado Springs area and am excited to share your VERY informative website. You have done an excellent job of being thorough and detailed. I've added this to 'my favorites' window and will be back very often. Thank you and God Bless... Jennifer

Thank you for providing such an informative and positive website. Two months after my laparoscopy I felt depressed, anxious, and fatigued. This website gave me hope to heal. I am now in yoga and experiencing nice results.

In addition, I also changed my diet. With this disease I was desperate to feel good again. I also pay more attention to when I need to rest. My next step is to try the progesterone cream. I want to heal as natural and healthy as possible. God Bless, Barbara in Charlotte, NC 

I have enjoyed reading your very informative pages. I am 5 days out from having TAH. My only symptom was the discovery of a large mass in my pelvis. I had little to no pain. After many tests it was found to be 2 large - 10cm endometriomas. They were bilaterally-by each ovary.

During surgery they were found to be scarred to the Abdominal wall kidney & bowel. I feel my Dr. made the right choice for me...doing the TAH. I now have major concern about co-occurrence! We are to discuss in 8 days about HRT...he has hinted he may not use...

Your articles are helping me understand that this probably a good choice for ME. I just turned 48 and so I have been ok with my "baby factory" being shut down. My heart goes out to you who are trying....Know that I feel thru these web pages I have some new "sisters"....& I pray hard for in essence.. your all in my prayers!

This is first site I have looked at that has a glimmer of hope for people with this condition. Most of the site's I have looked at are very negative but this one is more informative. "Where there is life there will always be hope" I guess one day they will find a cure but until then don’t give up x

I am so very glad I kept searching the internet page after page. This is the best website on endometriosis that I have found...mainly because of your passion. I am Polarity Therapist in training (RPP) which is an alternative energy therapy. I attend the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Phoenix, Arizona. I have moderate endo.

My reason for my search is that I am taking a class on Psycho-neuro-immunology (the mind body connection). I am searching for any PNI studies done with endometriosis. and the mind relationship. I am definitely interested in reading your book. If you know of any PNI studies please let me know.

Since I decided to look into this aspect of endometriosis, every woman I have worked with in Polarity has endometriosis. Coincidence? I don't think so. Anyway thank you for such a rich and dynamic site that is expansive in all respects. I am trying to get a handle on the whole picture and your site is the first that has tapped into this picture. Thanks! Sincerely, Susan

Thank you so much for this wonderful site. I only wish I had found it earlier. I have recently been diagnosed with endometriosis after a laparoscopy. It's been five frustrating years of agony and unsympathetic and ignorant doctors. I can't tell you how important this site has been. Thank you!

Kirsty Boardman 
Hi! This is an incredible site. Congratulations! I have been looking for up to date information on Endometriosis and this is the best website I have found.

It has been almost 2 years since I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I have gone through the surgery and the hormone replacement and currently taking birth control continuously. I was at my breaking point when I found this website and read some of the testimonials. I am in so much pain that I do not have the energy any more to function. What is bad is that my family and friends don't understand the severity of my pain.

I felt all alone, like I was the only one who knows what this is like. I saw no future of being pain free. I read some of the testimonials and I now have some hope. I am going to try some of the herbs suggested. The only problem is I don't know where to get them. Red Clover Blended, Can-Sol, Oregon Grape, and Green Drink were the ones mentioned the most. Can anyone help me I am very desperate for help I don't know how more I can take. 

What an excellent thoroughly researched and informative site! Having looked at endometriosis websites for several years, none give such a complete picture of the whole disease as this one - with in depth follow up articles too. I have book marked it! 

I am a former suffer of endometriosis it completely consumed my life. I always looked upon it as a disability in a sense. I had a complete hysterectomy in 1998, and was not really prepared for what would happen to my body afterwards, nor was I prepared for the effects I suffered from treatment therapy (lupron).

Had I been more investigative, and had some of the info contained on this site, my choices may have been different, I don't know, but 15-20 years ago, not a lot was known about the disease, now women are fortunate, to have this knowledge at their fingertips, and should use it all before taking any drug, of making a final decision. Keep up the good work. When we inform we empower! 

Just wanted to let you know that in the 2 years I've been looking on the internet for info & support on Endometriosis, yours is by far the best site I've come across. I wouldn't suggest changing a thing, keep up the good work. You've encouraged me to try to fight this dreaded disease I've suffered from for 20 years the natural way! Thanks. 

This is the best website I've found in my ongoing research. Thanks 10 x over i will pass this on to anyone i may meet with this problem I look forward to getting the cookbook this week as well, 25 years old and was at the end of my rope.

Thank you so much for the information and preparation advice for laparoscopic surgery. It has calmed my fears and answered my questions on what to expect.