NOTE - May 2021: The program is temporarily closed and I am unable to take on any more clients at the moment due to demand
Start to take control of your health with the support of this holistic endometriosis coaching program
I fully understand the impact this disease has had on your life ...
I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis with laparoscopy surgery, where it was found I had cysts and adhesions all over my abdominal cavity. I was offered toxic hormone drugs as treatment, with the aim of calming the disease and further surgery being required further down the road.
I knew this was the wrong route to take to recover my health
So I undertook months of research, learning about the disease and the options available. After learning that my only options were drugs and surgery I decided to follow my own course of action and started using natural remedies to help heal my body.
This I successfully achieved and became totally symptom free
In the words of my doctor 'All my active endometriosis had dried up'. I totally recovered my health and the endometriosis never returned.
The success of my own recovery prompted me to support and help other women who are going through this ordeal, and to this end I undertook training in natural therapies, as well as launching this comprehensive advice and support website .
As an Integrative Health Coach I am now offering this self-paced online coaching program for women with endometriosis
When women with endometriosis are looking for support and guidance to help them with their health:
About this program .....
What is this program about - its about getting to the root cause of your disease, providing manageable techniques, remedies and strategies to resolving your symptom, supporting your immune system, with the aim of recovering your health - which is totally possible.
You can learn a lot from books and the internet - but sometimes you need a guiding hand and support along the way. You need guidance from someone who has walked the path and someone who can instil confidence and encouragement.
Going much deeper than just diet - many online endometriosis courses and coaching programs simply focus on diet and nutrition, and important as diet is, recovering your health from something as complex as endometriosis requires a detailed investigation into your health
To support the advice and guidance I am offering - I am an Integrative Health Coach having studied Nutrition, Naturopathy, Aromatherapy, Herbalism
You can learn more about me, my endo journey and my training HERE
What others have said .....
On the road to recovery
I was diagnosed with level three endo five years ago and my health and my life had been on a downward spiral. I decide enough was enough and wanted to try a natural approach and I found the coaching provided by Carolyn which has been a turning point in my health. Her advice has been spot-on with regards to the cause of my symptoms and her advice has helped to radically reduce my symptoms and I feel like I am on the road to recovery. - Kirsty
Pain levels reduced so much
Doing this course was my last hope of getting relief from my debilitation endo which has had me floored with severe pain and many other awful symptoms. It has really paid off and my pain levels have been reduced so much I hardly notice it and my other symptoms have improved, especially my low energy as well as the awful bloating - gone! I am so relieved to have found ways to support my health naturally. One happy bunny. - Jasmina
My energy is back
This has been a great investment and finally getting results to feeling better. After four laparoscopies I was losing all hope of ever getting my life back. Things turned around after following the advice from Carolyn. I soon got into the routine of changing my diet which I now find I actually enjoy. My pain levels are almost unnoticeable with my periods, my energy is back, the bloating and gut symptoms I used to suffer is now something in the past. Such relief – priceless! - Bethany
This program is broad and detailed in the guidance it offers including:
To start you will be assessed with an in-depth health questionnaire
Depending on your assessment, you may be advised to have specific hormone and gut health tests
Guidance on healing the gut:
We look at issues that may be causing health problems and how to treat them including SIBO, Leaky Gut, Candida. 80% of your immune-system is in the gut so having a healthy gut is vital to support your health.
How to implement an Elimination Diet to help find the root cause of your trigger foods.
Natural Therapies
You will learn of the best natural therapies to use to help support your healing journey and advice is given of how to choose the best natural treatments for you.
Diet and Nutrition
Eating a nutritious anti-inflammatory diet based on the outcomes of doing an elimination diet will really help to reduce your symptoms of pain, inflammation, bloating, endo-belly, and help to support your immune-system
Nutrition is a corner-stone to good health as 80% of your immune-system is found in your gut.
Balancing your hormones
Many with endo are estrogen dominant and you will be advised of natural ways to balance your hormones through nutrition, nutritional supplements and natural treatments.
Supplements to help your symptoms
Many supplements have been tried and tested, some of which can really help reduce your symptoms and you will be guided of the best supplements to help reduce your symptoms
Fatigue and endometriosis
We uncover other possible causes of your fatigue that may not be due to endometriosis
Your fatigue can have a number of other causes and these may be uncovered following tests ie. Thyroid, adrenal fatigue, low iron, nutritional deficiencies
Once these issues are address you can start to get your energy back and get back to living your life
Natural products
Understanding toxins and chemicals in relationship to endo/hormones with guidance and advice of getting chemicals and toxins out of your body
Dealing with anxiety & Depression
The emotional impact of this disease is so often overlooked and we look at tools and natural remedies you can use to reduce your depression and anxiety
Numerous other tips and resources
You will be guided on a number of other issues that can be affecting your health including detoxing and supporting your liver, tips for coming of the birth control so you can get your hormones back on track, and we go in detail of supporting your immune-system to give you the best long-term outcomes.
Additionally you will be give advice of natural ways to reduce you pain, help to manage your insomnia and ways to reduce you nausea,
You will be provided with a large arsenal of resources, guides and support to get your health back on track
* The program is self-paced so that you don't feel rushed, with a time limit of personal support up to 6 months. I would not expect anyone to see significant improvements in a time-frame any shorter as healing the body takes times.
The program includes:
Detailed PDF handouts for future reference on most of the subjects included in the course
Support and guidance in a private support group
On-going personal support whenever you need it
Plus Book Bonuses:
Companion cookbook from endo-resolved 'Eating for Endo does not have to Suck' - which is a really successful book containing anti-inflammatory recipes that includes many great recipe favorites.
A motivational e-book - 'Endometriosis Healing Stories' with stories and testimonials sent to me at the website over the past few years
I trust you are ready to make changes and want to start feeling the improvements in your health
Think of this as a valuable investment in your life
Book you place NOW
About the Author
My name is Carolyn Levett, the Founder of endo-resolved - I am an Integrative Health Coach having studied nutrition, naturopathy, aromatherapy as well as being a published author. I used to suffer from severe endometriosis and was able to regained my health and heal from the disease with the support of nutrition and natural therapies.
My motivation is to help other women with endometriosis to heal their bodies so they may overcome this awful disease without having to rely on toxic drugs and surgeries which can cause further damage - with healing thoughts, Carolyn.